Two milestones for Ilk this week, firstly being the installation of the coffee machine(thank you Mark) and a sharp learning curve on the fine art of the Barista ! I'm working on practise making perfect and doing justice to some locally roasted beans from Ritual, so anyone up for a cuppa?? If the little green car is out the front the coffee machine is on!
Secondly is the hanging of the first art pieces in the gallery, two great artists and two great pictures.
'Cape Baron Gaggle' by Lee Adamson Ringk - little known but extremely talented local artist.
And 'Black Cockie' by Kit Hillier, well known local artist.
Unfortunately neither are for sale but we are working on getting some more local art ASAP - any local artists out there keen on exhibiting their work - send me a message !
Now back to that nougat - any recipe with high temperature sugar work can be quite intimidating not only for the potential for some nasty burns but also because there is little room for error.
I am happy to say that no chef was harmed in this nougat production and that although I took the sugar syrup over the ideal temperature giving the nougat a more caramel flavour and darker colour all looks good so far.
Of course this is all pending on the results from the official tasting committee(you know who you are!).
Sorry about the quality of the photos - I need some work on that one!
nougat base mixture |
out of the pot . . . . |
. . . . and into the pan |
So tomorrow will be a day of scrubbing and mopping followed by an evening dedicated to my chicken, cider, sweet potato and mustard pie and an orange cheese cake. I have been informed by a certain young lady that I have to have cheesecake on the menu !
Cheerio till then....